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In Loving Memory

Those who personally knew Connor know that even a novels worth of writing could never capture his essence or embody his spirit, but we will try.

Born August 15th, 1997 Connor was always a very simple and easygoing kid. Known to nap most anywhere and surviving on sunshine and bologna sandwiches, he rarely asked for much.  In his adulthood he was the same- minus the bologna sandwiches. Music, food, drinks and company were all he wanted to have a good time.

Rarely one to rock the boat and despising too much attention, his family always found it intriguing the "loud" shirts he would often wear and the boldness he had in almost always being DJ at large gatherings. Music gave him a special confidence and helped him to share parts of himself that may have otherwise been kept secret.

Enjoying live music and appreciating artists in all genres, Connor's go to adventure was Concerts.  His very first being with his family in the sixth grade to see Tom Petty. His love of music started young, as he got it honestly from the heart of his father. He and his dad enjoyed many drinks over music and is what bonded them together in many ways. His dad remembers him often through countless songs as he seems to touch them all in one way or another. 

His shrugs, ornery smirk, "ho-hum" demeanor and sarcastic humor are what most recall when thinking of his personality. It's often heard when remembering him, "He didn't say much, but when he did, you knew it was going to be funny!"

While he favored his dad in his love of music, he and his mom were two peas in a pod when it came to having an understanding of one another. Without needing to say much, they could communicate with a simple look and were often seen laughing at the butt of their inside jokes- aka: his dad and sister. Their bond, like so many in his life, was very unique and special. Of everyone he liked to tease, his mom and dad were his favorite.

"Intentional" is a word his sister and many of his closest friends used to describe him. Whether it was setting time aside to go out to eat or finding just the right gift, he treated the ones he loved with the utmost respect and care. He had a tender and quiet heart that knew no bounds.

To say what is most missed of him would be impossible to articulate. He added unique color to this world and when he left he took so much of it with him... But not all. His family, friends, community, and The Wildflowers Program specifically, are examples of the color that remains. We are all thankful for the way his life continues to impact us and make us better because of it.

Connor Jeffrey Brite,

we love and miss you every second of every day.

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